Expeditions into the wild, where new discoveries are still a possibility


  • Destination: Egypt
  • Duration: 14 days

- El-Gilf El-Kebir expedition is the most extreme adventure a person can encounter in the Egyptian Sahara as one of the last remaining terra incognita places on earth.
- This expedition follows the footsteps of ancient caravans through the oases of Bahariya, Farafra and Dakhla then embarks on a once in a life time adventure into the wild through ancient wadis and caves rich in prehistoric art on the way to the great barrier known as El-Gilf El-Kebir, then the expedition continues throughout the Great Sand Sea until reaching the mystical oasis of Siwa.
- El-Gilf El-Kebir is one of the few places on earth where the chance of making a discovery still remains a possibility.

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